Perpetua Resources and our team of professionals and consultants have studied the Stibnite Gold Project site for more than a decade, searching for minerals, identifying opportunities to work closely with local residents and businesses and creating a plan to use responsible, modern mining to address environmental legacies and add to the economic success of Idaho.
Our plan for the Stibnite Gold Project is as much about restoring the site as it is mining it for the much-needed critical mineral antimony and gold. Redeveloping this already mined area will allow us to generate the funds needed to rehabilitate the environment.
Fish haven’t been able to swim past the historic Yellow Pine pit since 1938, almost no topsoil can be found in the area due to extensive erosion, and millions of tons of sediment are running into the waterways, degrading water quality and fish habitat. Arsenic and antimony from historic tailings leach into the waterways, and waste dumps negatively impact water quality. The Stibnite Gold Project is designed to begin addressing these historic challenges early in the project.
We are proud of the Stibnite Gold Project and our team. We are committed to ensuring our project takes care of the environment and the resources at site for this generation and generations to come. The safety of our team and the community will always remain at the forefront of everything we do. And above all else, we are focused on creating a positive, long-term impact on Idaho.
We care deeply about Valley County and the people who call it home, including our own employees. We have grown with our community and learned what is most important to the people who call this area home. Community input helped shape our plans and guide our designs, and ultimately it allowed us to create something better than we could have done on our own.
We hope you will take the time to read our Plan and reach out to us with your questions and feedback.

The Stibnite Gold Project is located in the abandoned Stibnite Mining District in Valley County, which is approximately 44 air miles northeast of Cascade, Idaho and near Yellow Pine, Idaho.
Environmental Highlights
Mining started at Stibnite in 1899 and continued on and off for a century. Much of the mining activity that took place at site occurred long before environmental regulations existed, which left the site in desperate need of repair. Action must be taken to address the legacies impacting water quality and habitat today.
The East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River currently flows into an abandoned mining pit, blocking fish passage for native species. The Stibnite Gold Project will restore the natural flow of the river and allow salmon to migrate to their historic spawning grounds for the first time in more than 80 years.
The Project will also improve water quality at site by reprocessing and safely storing the millions of tons of historic tailings that are currently laying in the valley floor unconstrained.
Millions of additional tons of waste rock dumped around the site will be recovered and reused in properly designed locations.
We are not waiting to do our part to address these environmental legacies. In 2021, Perpetua signed a clean up agreement with the EPA and US Forest Service. The agreement gave us permission to conduct early-action cleanup, and under the oversight of the agencies, we have invested millions in removing legacy waste and keeping clean water clean. Learn more here.

Economic Highlights
The Pre-Feasibility Study in 2014 found:
- The Stibnite Gold Project has the largest known antimony resource in the U.S.
- The Project is one of the top 10 gold deposits in the U.S.
- We will recover more than 4 million ounces of gold over the 12 years projected for the life-of-mine.
- Over $1.3 billion of initial investment will be required to build the Stibnite Gold Project, with another $200 million invested in Idaho over the life of mine.
- The high grades, combined with good recoveries and other positive attributes, means the Stibnite Gold Project has low operating costs compared with foreign gold operations worldwide.
Financial Support from Key Investors
Perpetua Resources has a strong community of investors, including many U.S.-based institutional investors. At the end of 2020, our team released the feasibility study. Read it here to get the latest updates on the Stibnite Gold Project.