Thanks to your support, the U.S. Forest Service released a
positive Final Record of Decision on the Stibnite Gold Project.

Read the Details
Logo showing a mountain, trees, and water below a blue sky. Next to the words Perpetua Resources.

We are more than a mining company.


We are a team of Idahoans who believe in responsible mining so we may protect our beautiful state while providing for those we love. Our state motto, Esto Perpetua, meaning “Let it be Perpetual,” calls each one of us to be stewards of Idaho’s vast resources. It is this same philosophy that guides our company.

We are dedicated to restoring an abandoned mining site, leading the way with sustainable mining practices, building transparent partnerships, and investing in the local community to positively impact our families, friends, and future generations. 

If you believe in our vision and want to help bring it to life, fill out our vendor or employee intake form. 

Stibnite Gold Project

We have located a large deposit of gold and the critical mineral antimony in an area in need of extensive environmental repair. Antimony is essential for national defense and our clean energy future, and the robust gold deposit provides the economic basis for doing legacy clean up and securing a domestic antimony supply. Our project is designed to restore the environment, produce a domestic source of antimony and provide for our community and country. 


Learn More


View our in-depth virtual site tour to learn more about the project and to better understand how we plan to address the historical impacts!

Tour the site
“Idaho's economy is dependent on both providing jobs and taking care of our environment. Perpetua Resources will do both”
Keirsten Hall
“I’m excited about the growth opportunities that the Stibnite Gold Project plan brings to Valley County… The site is a mess. I’m glad somebody’s finally doing something about it.”
Deb Filler, Yellow Pine Resident
“Perpetua has done a remarkable job in developing the Stibnite project, striking a precise and correct balance between mining objectives, conservation and restoration of the Stibnite area.”
Ron Oberbillig
“Idaho's economy is dependent on both providing jobs and taking care of our environment. Perpetua Resources will do both”
Keirsten Hall
“I’m excited about the growth opportunities that the Stibnite Gold Project plan brings to Valley County… The site is a mess. I’m glad somebody’s finally doing something about it.”
Deb Filler, Yellow Pine Resident

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Perpetua Resources values community feedback. If you have a safety concern or want to applaud members of our team who demonstrate safe and courteous actions while at work, get in touch.

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Helping the Environment Starts Today

materials recycled since 2013
community engagement since 2015
solar power produced since 2015
planted at Stibnite since 2011

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