NEWS: April 2020 USFS Updates Schedule for Stibnite Gold Project

NEWS: April 2020 USFS Updates Schedule for Stibnite Gold Project

Published on April 2, 2020


This week, the U.S. Forest Service, along with other regulators working on our project, released an updated permitting schedule for the Stibnite Gold Project. In the updated schedule, the USFS has committed to releasing the draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS) for the community to review and comment on in the third quarter of 2020.

The team at the USFS updated the schedule after a comprehensive internal review by federal and state regulators identified areas for improvement in order to make the dEIS more user accessible. In order to meet this objective and maintain the schedule, the USFS is dedicating additional resources to undertake the final review and release of the dEIS. Our team remains committed to providing regulators with the support and information they need to ensure they develop the best alternatives possible for the Stibnite Gold Project.

A number of key milestones have been built into the updated timeline to keep everyone working on the project on track and on schedule. It is our team’s hope (and the intention of the USFS) that the additional time will make the document easier for the public to review, understand and provide feedback. We also feel confident the updated schedule will ultimately support a complete and robust record of decision at the conclusion of the NEPA process in 2021.

The updated timeline also takes into account the evolving situation around the COVID-19 pandemic, as far as can be determined. Mining was named an essential service under Idaho Governor Brad Little’s recent stay-at-home order, so our team is moving the Stibnite Gold Project forward. To protect the health and safety of our employees and the greater community, Midas Gold transitioned all team members to work from home, where feasible. A number of our team members remain at site to monitor and maintain the environmental conditions at site.

Once the dEIS is released, NEPA regulators will provide an opportunity for the public and other interested parties to review and comment on the document. Following the public comment period, the USFS and cooperating agencies will respond to all comments and produce the final EIS and a draft ROD.

Our team is keen to see the Stibnite Gold Project continue moving forward, so we can bring the economic, environmental and social benefits of the project to life.

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