Published on August 31, 2016

During an emergency, first responders have to be able to communicate with one another. Until recently, it has been difficult for the Valley County Sheriff’s Office, the Yellow Pine Fire Department and others to communicate over the radio in and around Yellow Pine.
Safety is a top priority for Midas Gold. When the Village of Yellow Pine and the Cascade Fire District asked us to help them with their communications challenge, we were more than happy to help. A new radio tower was recently installed in Yellow Pine to ensure first responders can easily share potentially lifesaving information.
A 40-foot radio tower was donated to the Cascade Fire District and Valley County Emergency Management set aside $20,000 for the project. Midas Gold contributed another $4,000 worth of materials, supplies, equipment time and worked alongside the Yellow Pine Fire Department to install the new equipment.
Before the radio tower was installed, it was almost impossible for first responders to communicate clearly in Yellow Pine, on Johnson Creek Road, East Fork Road and Stibnite Road. Today, the new radio tower has greatly improved emergency communications in Yellow Pine and the surrounding area, making it safer for the families who live and work there and people visiting the area.