- This event ended 2279 days ago
- 6:00PM - Nov 13, 2018
Published on November 5, 2018
The City of McCall is hosting a meeting on Tuesday, November 13 to discuss the impacts mining can have on the environment and today’s reclamation standards. Reclamation standards and expectations have changed drastically since miners first discovered the historic Stibnite Mining District. Initially, there were no standards miners were required to meet but today that is not at all the case.
Do you have a question you would like to ask? Submit it online! Submitted questions will be answered by Midas Gold and the other panelists during the meeting.
If you believe in our project and support Midas Gold, we could use your support and would love to see you at the meeting. It starts at 6 p.m. on November 13 and will be held at the Northfork Lodge.Please join us and help city leaders understand McCall residents believe in the Stibnite Gold Project and support Midas Gold.